About Me:

My ramblings:

I am a creature, dreamer, artist, tranny, punk, music lover, cat enjoyer, brony, free thinker, DIY enthusiast, lover, homo, nerd, webmaster... besides that i am also just a 17 year old guy who loves dumb shit. >:D

I'm not a fan of having my real name on the internet, so you may call me Dino, Taube, or whatever else you can come up with, i honestly don't really care :]

Currently i'm struggling my way through my education. I dislike school, but not enough to quit. I'm not the best student, i get easily distracted and as i started this website, i realised i would rather work on this then do my homework lol
My current dream in life is moving to copenhagen and going to the Academy of Arts. I love art and i know it's what i wanna do with my life. I dream a lot, about the future and where- and who i wan't to be. My mom says i got it from her, which might actually be true. We have moved more times than i can count, 3 different countries and a lot of different cities.
Even though it sounds like a lot, i actually really like it. There is a freedom in just being able to pack your stuff move to wherever.
I like where i live now. I have my friends and a nice apartment. Every once in a while me and some friends go to local diy shows, to absoulutly destroy each other in the pit :D I love the mindset of unapologetically being yourself, the love there is for each other, the music and the scene. It makes me feel at home.

I didn't grow up on the Internet, so in a lot of ways is this my first real imprint on this wolrd. I love discovering all the sites i never knew existed, and it's curently all i do in my free time xD
When i was younger me, and my older brother used to go to the libary everyday after school. There was a 30minute time limit on the old computers, but i remember being there for hours at a time, just watching old pokemon episodes on youtube, and playing diep.io. The internet felt like a whole new universe i never knew existed. It still kinda does sometimes, but I've definetly explored a bit.

There is a german folk punk song that goes; "If there was a movie about your life, would you watch it? would it fascinate you?" (Title:Brennen, Artist:Früchte des Zorns). I think about that a lot. My movie would be very chaotic, but in a good way. The current chapter would contain a lot of heartbreak, teenage and trans struggles. Which is not so great, but I'm sure the story will move on soon, or at least i hope so :,)

Even though I'm not that old, i think my life has been pretty interesting so far :3

I don't know if there is much more to say. Thank you for reading this far and now go check out the rest of my website !!!

↓ Down here ↓

Stuff i like :D

  • Hot chocolate
  • Friends
  • Childrens Cartoons
  • Music <3
  • Going on adventures
  • Garfield
  • Halloween
  • Creepy Furbys
  • Shows and moshpits
  • Trainhopping Vid's
  • Tea partys
  • Dressing up
  • Stars
  • Magic the gathering
  • Boardgames
  • Monsters and Creatures
  • Table football
  • Emoticons >:3
  • This Website
  • Stuff i dislike :.(

  • Capitalism
  • Fishcake
  • Rainy Days
  • Jellyfish
  • TikTok
  • Being Bored
  • Cleaning Lunchbox
  • Math
  • Irritated piercings
  • Being Single
  • November
  • Overthinking
  • Campfire Smoke
  • Blood
  • A.I.
  • Strong parfumes
  • Pringles
  • Childish Adults
  • Shopping Malls
  • Santa Claus
  • Currently feeling:The current mood of Din0_4rt at www.imood.com
    The Internet is feeling:The current mood of the Internet at www.imood.com
    Me and Rat sharing our last cigarettes after being out adventuring all day
    Me slaying at the busstop on my way home form a show
    Dressing up as a clown just to sit and play MoviestarPlanet for a whole day
    Me as Crust-sune Miku and Fox as little red riding hood, posing on our way from a Halloween show
    Found a burnt out car in the middle of nowhere
    Me dabbing just before getting chased down by angry sheep

    I don't write enough to have a dedicated blog, but i still want to create a space to express my thoughts on certain topics. So here it is:

    My brain dump

    This past year came with it's ups- and downs. So much has happened and so little, and in many ways, i feel like i ended up right where i started. But I'm glad the year has come to an end, and to celebrate it i want give you a little overview of what i've been up to this past year;
    I've learned a lot about myself and who i want to be as a person, i've gotten more comfortable being myself and seeing my needs as a priority, even though it's still a struggle sometimes. I find it especially hard to prioritise myself over the people that i love. For a long time i felt that setting my loved ones above my own needs was the biggest show of appreciation i could give someone. I have learned that, that's not how loving someone works, but i still find it difficult to make a change in how i treat myself.
    I've also met some amazing new people this past year, some of which i already hold extremely close to my heart <3 I've started making plans to move out, which i'm very exited about. I never planned to live alone and the thought scared me away from even thinking about the future. So finding the sweetest, and most genuine people who wanna be my roomies, has created a whole new perspective on this new, and also scary chapter in my life. Overall i'm very exited to see where this whole thing leads us.
    Honestly i often forget forget how much being social actually helps my mental state. I'm so in love with my amazing friends and I've had all my best memories with them, going to shows, listening to concerts, going on adventures, hosting teapartys and real partys and patch'n sew nights. I've had so much fun this year. They have also each helped me through shit in their own unique ways, wether it be creating distractions by inviting me out, lending an ear when i needed to get something off my chest or giving me a place to stay when shit truly hit the fan.
    This past year has been filled with some of the scariest expierences i've had in my very young life. My mom being in the worst state she's ever been in, fighting with cancer that nearly killed her. Me falling in love deep and out of it again, whilst getting my heart broken along the way. And at the very end shit falling apart with my dad as he slowly comes to terms with my transness. My mom thankfully survived and is doing much better now but i've never been as scared, as seeing her in that hospital bed, crying in cold shivers. My own problems seemed to fade into nothingness, feeling so unimportant in the eyes of this horrible, overpowering illness. It took me a good while before getting back to seeing my own life and problems as relevant again, and i still feel disoriented sometimes. On a more positive note - i fucking love my mom - and she is the strongest, bravest and coolest person i know. And also fuck cancer.
    There are a lot of things that i would,ve changed this past year, if i had the power to do so. But seeing as I don't, I think it's best to not linger to much on this rollercoaster of a year. Hopefully the next is better.
    I thinks that's all i have for now. What a year.

    When i look at the people passing me in public, i often wonder why we all collectively chose that black is the standard color. Most clothes like Jackets, hats, even umbrellas are black. Why would anyone choose that, instead of being COLORFUL!!! You might be able to tell from this website that i think colors are great, and here's my reasoning:
    When i dress up i try my best to colorcode my outfit as best as i can, like matching different shades of green, creating contrast between blue and orange, adding that one assecoire that brings everything together, and it brings me so MUCH JOY. On days that i feel down just dressing up helps my mood, i can feel my inner child healing and it's a great way to express myself, my mood and interests. It's also fun to take a challenge and match colors that inherently don't work together, like red and green (the cursed chirstmas combo) lol - But what i'm trying to say is that expressing yourself through colors i something everyone can do, and i think they schould.
    I often recieve unwanted comments of people feeling the need to express their opinion on how i dress, which obviously makes me feel weird and uncomfortable, but on the other hand has helped me find confidence in being different. I love dressing the way i do and dressing colorful, but to be able to do that, i had to learn to distance myself from other peoples opnions. Now i can walk the streets with a shield of confidence while destroying the judgy people with a blade of joyfullness... - or somehting like that lol