My Friends are a big part of my life, so i feel the need to also make them a part of this website. I mention them here and there, but i wanted to make a dedicated space for them. So here it is:


- pun intended lol
All the images are drawn from memory, by yours truly, uuuh theyre probably not accurate. I also don't wan't to dox anyone, so i've replaced their names with animals :3 If you want to know what animal i would be, it would be a pigeon.
Bear (They/Them)
genuinely one of the coolest people i know. They introduced me to our local punk scene, and some of my best memories are with them. Also i continue to be inspired by the stuff they do (IT's SO COOL)
Go check it out: - -
I know how much blood, sweat and tears (and bones) they pour into their site, so it makes it even more special

Rat (They/Them)
My adventure buddy. Escaping the shakles of boring, every day life with them is one of the best things i know. A great listener and advice giver. Honestly my moral compass.

Hedgehog (She/Her)
Even though we have a complicated past, i'm so grateful i can call her my friend. She has helped through some shit, then and now. Also lives with the best cat in the world (don't tell fox lol)

Fox (He/Him)
The bestest of best friends you could have. Always on my side and always there for me.